How long can bed bugs live in an empty house

How long can bed bugs live in an empty house?

Eliminating insects that feed on beds has caused many to look at drastic solutions. “How soon would a house or apartment have to be unoccupied before you could be assured that the bed bugs were dead?” many people wonder. The solution to the question isn’t infallible.

Since bed bugs live exclusively upon blood, they require an environment for survival. They prefer humans. However, they may consume other species, too. In a home that is not occupied, the food sources will be gone. There are many factors that affect the length of time bed bugs remain in a secluded area without eating. Scientists have found that it can range from 20 days all the way to 400!

A few of the elements which determine how long an insect can stay in a house that is empty include the age of the insect, the bug, its temperature, and humidity, as well as predators and the level of exertion.

Bed bugs that are in their first instar (baby bug) are not able to last very indefinitely without food. Adults and older juveniles are more likely to survive for a long time. If humidity levels are suitable for survival, temperatures that are cooler can actually prolong lives since the bed bugs reduce their activity and use up energy. In terms of exact numbers, this is a bit more difficult. Under ideal laboratory conditions, the bed bug has been found to survive for up to 400 days with no food.

The real-world environment is far more stressful, however real bed bugs were discovered in houses that were vacant for as long as six months, and some experts believe that they could survive for up to nine months in the absence of a home or apartment.

What does this do? It means that starvation isn’t the most effective solution for bed bugs. It’s not just that it takes several months before you are able to be certain that they’re dead, and it could put those who live in nearby houses or apartments at risk. If bed bugs are unable to locate food sources where there is food, then they could be able to move to homes nearby and create a larger spread.

Homes that have been abandoned or that are infested by bed bugs need to be treated by using a variety of methods to ensure the bed bugs have died. PF Harris sells home pest control products that can get rid of bed bugs.

Cut costs by avoiding the exterminator and tackling the issue yourself. Our bed bug treatments include aerosols, mattress covers that protect you from bed bugs and powders, as well as sprays. PF Harris offers everything you require to get your home back.

Learn About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can be an issue. When an infestation is discovered, it is very difficult to eradicate, particularly if the issue is spreading to other areas of the house. The removal of bed bugs can be slow, but it is. When compared to other insects, bed bugs do not reproduce as quickly, and they have a long time to grow. Therefore, if you notice pests early enough and then get eliminated, you’ll not require drastic steps to get rid of the issue.

Bed bugs are tiny brownish insects with no wings which look similar to ticks. However, unlike ticks, they aren’t able to be found on hosts’ bodies. They have to stay in a nearby area, with easy accessibility to blood. Bed bugs aren’t able to fly, but they are able to be seen scurrying around your bed, taking just a tiny little time to realize what they are.

But no matter how gross they may appear as they crawl along the edges of your mattress or how much of a nuisance they are, you can rest in the knowledge that bed bugs can’t cause any harm to humans. They can cause mild irritations to your skin and welts that hurt; however, they don’t carry any illnesses that can be transmitted to you, and no major damage can result from being in contact with bed bugs.

Although they’re not harmful, however, if you find an infestation of bed bugs following your return from a trip, it is possible to contact pest control experts, which will employ pesticides as well as other methods to get rid of the pests from your home.

Why Are Bed Bugs Able To Survive In A House That Isn’t In Use?

It has two primary elements that determine its existence: external and internal. When it comes to external circumstances, they are influenced by subfactors such as temperatures as well as humidity, weather as well as the presence of warm-blooded creatures other than humans.

If the temperature in the empty home is at the extremes, whether it is hot or cold, the bugs usually end up dying within 2 or 3 weeks due to the fact that there is no way to get an adequate blood supply. Based on various research, the results show that these insects can stand just 110 degrees for a few days. They are more able to handle lower temperatures than those found that live in warm climates.

To deal with internal issues, they can hibernate in the event that temperatures drop to 25 degrees, and not just that adult bugs may lose as much as 1/3 of the body weight in order to preserve energy.

How soon do bed bugs die when they don’t have a host?

If you’ve witnessed the destruction that bed bugs cause to furniture and bedding, you may think the bed bug eats furniture. However, this isn’t the case. Bed bugs live off blood and, if they don’t have access to a “blood meal,” they eventually end up dying.

If there was no human being available to get its blood supply, small bedbugs could be dead as swiftly as in a matter of weeks. However, adults could live up to 4.5 months in the right conditions of high humidity and temperatures before starving to death. They require humidity from their blood meal to live, and once it is used up, they will be dry and die.

It’s also important to know that humans aren’t a bed bug’s sole source of food. Bed bugs also consume rodents or pets as well as other animals living in the house as well. Therefore, even if no human beings are in the house, if there are pets in the home that bed bugs are able to take food from, they might last well past the anticipated 4.5 months.

Another thing to take into consideration is the temperature in the home. Bed bugs can’t remain alive for longer than three weeks if temperatures are always lower than 25 degrees F, as well as be killed if exposed to temperatures higher than 113F for longer than one week.

If the house retains these temperatures for long enough, it’ll end the life of the bed bugs. Keep in mind, however, that if the temperature falls to below 25 degrees at night but rises to 30 degrees in the daytime (for instance), the bed bugs may be able to survive.

What this implies is that if you are able to leave your residence for a lengthy time (even an entire year), it is possible that you will find yourself with the bed bug problem. The most effective way to address the issue is to get rid of the insects as quickly as you can. Click here to start.

Where do flies hide in an empty building?

The most popular locations where bed bug larvae nest are locations where humans spend large hours like couches or beds as well as other furniture. If there are furniture pieces that are still within the home, then this is the ideal spot to start looking.

If the home is totally empty, the bed bugs might be hiding behind cracks in the wall. They could be hiding in tiny places in the spaces between the sockets for light switches and the wall. Or, they might be hiding behind unfinished molding or trim. If the flooring is hardwood in the house, bugs might be sleeping between cracks or underneath the floorboards if free enough.

This is why it’s essential to utilize traps as well as lures in order to get rid of bed bugs from vacant buildings. If you don’t have traps or lures, bed bugs are likely to locate a suitable hiding place, and treatment is likely to not be effective.

The result is that you should employ a professional with experience to eliminate bed bugs from your empty home instead of doing it yourself.

In a house that is empty, how do you eliminate Bed bugs?

The method to eliminate bed bugs in an empty home is the same as eliminating them from an unoccupied home, but it’s a bit easier and quicker.

If you have couches, bedding, or other furniture, get rid of all blankets, sheets, pillows, sheets, etc. and place them in large airtight containers or containers that you can take to the washing machine (so that bed bugs don’t get spread throughout the hallways while you get to the machine). After that, wash them in hot water and dry them using high temperatures.

Follow our other tips to eliminate bed bugs and hire an expert exterminator to ensure that bed bugs are removed as fast as is possible and to ensure that there are no bed bugs hidden in crevices or cracks in floors or in walls.

How Long Can They Survive in an Empty House Without Human Blood?

If you let your home without a watchman, insects that live in your bed will ultimately go extinct. This is the nature of every living thing. If you take away the food source, the animal will starve until death. How long, however, will it be until it is gone? The time it takes to complete the elimination of bed bugs in your home is contingent on several things.

As it turns out these little suckers aren’t so simple to rid. Their survival instincts are extremely robust, and they have developed the ability to live in virtually every climate and have only a small amount of food to live with. Only extreme conditions will eradicate them totally and quickly. You may need to call experts involved in the event there is a problem that is getting out of control.

Bed bugs are known to eat humans, but when they aren’t connected to the blood supply of humans, then they’ll have to take on any creature that is warm. Don’t be skeptical about their ability to go extinct when you get home from your holiday. Rodents, as well as cats, dogs, and all the other small animals within your home, are enough to keep them going for several months.

Adult bed bugs aim to feed on a daily basis for 3-7 days, whereas their offspring, also known as nymphs, require feeding less often. But, if there is no blood meal available, these tiny bloodsuckers are able to go into hibernation in order to save energy. This could allow them to endure for months without an intake of blood.

The length of time the life span of a bed bug in a home that is empty is determined by two aspects: its age as well as the temperature in the house.


The bed bugs in the earliest stages are known as Nymphs. When they hatch, they require around 5-6 weeks to grow into mature adults. They go through various stages before becoming fully formed bed bugs. To move through one phase to the next, they need an injection of blood. However, they could be without blood for weeks at a time.

Adult insects are a distinct story entirely. They attempt to eat daily for 3 to 7 days to replenish their bodies. It is easy to tell that a bed bug is consumed as its stomach expands, and it will move around in a slow manner.

In the event that the bug doesn’t have an individual human host at disposal, bed bugs can be found conserving energy while extending the time of food shortage. Bed bugs of adulthood can shed up to 33% of their body weight in order to preserve energy and remain longer without adequate nutrition.

Bed bugs that are adults are capable of going into hibernation and rest through the time of food famine. If the conditions are favorable, adults, bed bugs will be able to survive in a house that is empty and then wake up whenever it is hungry.

Females also require a blood meal to form egg and egg-laying. Nymphs require five blood meals before they’re in a position to mat. If a house is empty and without any blood hosts, they are unable to develop fast enough and lay eggs fast or efficiently enough.


Temperature plays an important influence in how long bed bugs will remain in a house that is not occupied. The duration of life of bed bugs can differ drastically depending on the temperature of the house.

Bed bugs are most effective at moderate temperatures, such as 70 °F. In a controlled atmosphere with similar temperatures, they can last for as long as 6-8 months. Therefore, in tropical areas or in the time of spring, the bed bugs are able to survive in a secluded environment with little food.

When temperatures drop, bed bugs are unable to withstand. But, they are able to survive temperatures that are below 30 degrees F. Bed bugs have numerous ways to save their lives. If they are in colder climates and they find themselves in a home that is not occupied, they will go into hibernation.

By reducing their energy use to nearly zero, bed bugs do not have any issues surviving without food and will put the energy they do have towards keeping warm and active. Additionally, they have a semi-hibernation stage that they are able to enter when food sources are scarce. Also, although you aren’t able to make cold environments within a house to kill these animals, the reverse is possible.

While they have mechanisms of defense to help them cope with cold temperatures, they aren’t equipped to handle extreme heat well. If they’re left without a nutrition source in a residence that is heating up, the lifespan of the animals will be reduced drastically.

A temperature rise of 15 degrees could reduce their life expectancy by half, and if temperatures exceed the temperature of 99°F, they’ll only last for a month or two. They are not able to endure temperatures above 120 degrees. They cease to exist when the temperature in an entire house is at this level. A boarded-up, sealed-off home in warmer climates may reach temperatures that can help eradicate bed bugs within two or three months.

When you return from a trip or relocate to a home that has been neglected for a time or stay in the hotel room, make sure to look over the sofas and beds to find an outbreak. If you’ve been away for a prolonged time, those bed bugs that you have left behind in hopes that they’ll be gone when you get back are waiting to be found.

Bed bugs are equipped by nature to live in a house for 6-12 months, based on the environment. If the problem is extensive, you may need pesticides to get rid of them. Find a professional to help you and eliminate the tiny suckers, at last, and completely.

How Long Can Bedbugs Go Without Eating?

Bed bugs can last for quite a long time with no supply of blood. However, their lifespan is contingent on the time of the bug as well as the temperature. As a bed bug develops in an egg, the immature stage is known as the Nymph.

Bed bug nymphs pass through five stages before maturing into an adult. Each stage is when the nymph of the bed bug must consume food and then go through a molting process. Nymphs require more frequent feeding than adults, which means they live longer between feedings than adults.

Nymphs who have just hatched can live for months without blood. When it comes to adult bed bugs, the story can be a little more complex.

Adult bed bugs attempt to feed every 3-7 days as often as they can. They are also able to live without blood. Bed bugs are able to lose as much as 33% of body weight, go into hibernation during cold winter temperatures, endure intense heat waves, and more without giving up. If food sources are scarce, the adult bed bugs go into a semi-hibernation state to lower energy use.

The species of the bed bug is dependent on the species. Adults of bed bug species have been found to last for anywhere from 300 to up to 485 days in lab environments without food after feedings of a significant amount. The good news is that an empty house isn’t the same environment of controlled conditions that’s ideal for the bedbugs. That means bed bugs aren’t going to last for this long in an empty home.

Temperature is an important element in how long the bed bugs live. It’s not easy to make conditions that are cold sufficient to eliminate bed bugs, but an empty house could be warm enough that it kills adults, nymphs, and eggs.

The greater the temperature and the more it lasts, the faster bed bugs will die. While adult bed bugs could endure for up to 400 days in 50-degree temperatures, they cannot last more than 275 consecutive days in 65-degree temperatures. When temperatures reach 81 degrees, the survival rate decreases to 40-90 days. If temperatures continue to rise to 99 degrees, adults will be in a month of death.

To be on the safer side, consider that bed bugs can live for up to 18 months in a house that is empty to the extent that it’s not empty and there aren’t any pets for bed bugs to feed on for food.

Is it true that if I abandon my house, the bed bugs will die?

Due to the varying nature of the life span of a bedbug, they could live for anything from a few months to a full year. But eventually, they’ll die. Leave anything unattended for long enough, and they will die.

However, it’s important to know that it’s not only the human body that bed bugs feed on. They’re also happy eating pets, as well as even rodents and mice without humans as hosts.

If you leave your mattress in a quiet place for a long time, it isn’t an assurance that it will not die unless you cover the mattress with a sealant mattress cover.

If they’re not protected by the bed, bugs love to roam. They are able to climb over walls and crawl across carpets. In extreme infestations, you’ll notice the animals moving all over throughout the night: hundreds of them looking for food.

Your absence could cause them to be more determined to locate you or someone else. But how long will it take them?

How to Keep an Eye Out for Bed Bugs in an Empty House

Do not assume that a house that has been unoccupied for a while is free of bed bugs. In a home that is not occupied, it is most likely to be spread across the home and hide in a condition of hibernation. 

Contrary to what many believe, the empty homes can have a difficult time being treated as bed bugs won’t go out to hunt for food if they do not detect carbon dioxide coming from an individual. The good news is that there are several ways to inspect a home for bed bugs that don’t require you as bait.

Monitors with active sensors to enable bed bugs to emerge from hiding and be caught. It is an efficient and simple way to find out whether empty rooms could be hiding bugs that are hidden within just a few days. 

One option could be SenSci Volcano Monitoring and Activ Lures. The traps emit an aroma that is similar to the chemical compounds on human skin. This can encourage bed bugs to emerge from hiding to enter the trap.

It is also possible to make use of bed bug traps to monitor the possibility of an infestation. The interceptors are made to be placed under bedposts and furniture legs in order to capture bugs who are trying to climb furniture, but they also are very effective lures. Install multiple interceptors across the area using dry ice. 

Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide and a powerful trap for bugs in bed who are attracted by the carbon dioxide that we breathe. Bed bugs can emerge from hiding once they spot CO and get trapped in the traps. These traps are able to quickly reveal whether a home that is not in use is home to bed bugs.

In an empty house, how do you get rid of bed bugs?

Are you looking to purchase or relocate into an empty house that has bed bugs? The good news is that bed bugs are easily eradicated without the need for fabric and furniture. Although bed bugs may be hibernating and hiding in small crevices around the house, this is the best time to employ the most effective method of extermination that is heating the entire house.

Bed bugs, nymphs, and eggs are eliminated at a relatively low temperature of between 119 and 125 degrees for approximately an hour. A pest control company can make use of specially designed equipment to warm the entire residence for a long period of time in order to eradicate all the insects and eggs, regardless of where they’re in hiding. However, the price of this treatment. It is also possible to use an alternative method to kill bed bugs, but it is a time-consuming and time-consuming process.

How quickly can bed bugs spread from one room to the next?

The fastest method for bedbugs to multiply is to ride on.

The fast growth of the number of infestations caused by bed bugs can be traced due to one main reason: regional and international travel has become more frequent.

Go to any accommodation in New York City, and there are bed bugs. However, they’re not only there to look beautiful. Once they’ve eaten, they will scatter and hide wherever they are able to. They’re then unable to move for several days as they digest their food.

If they are able to hide in your clothing or bag, you’ll carry the bed bug along. If the bed bug turns out to be female and has eggs to lay, or if you are lucky enough to bring several bed bugs home with you, then this is all it takes to trigger an outbreak. Bed bugs have the ability to travel from one area to another within a matter of minutes, with the help of humans.

You might believe that they aren’t able to spread since they reside in a room empty of people or in a house empty. But this isn’t the case.

Bed bugs are very happy to roam around independently. They don’t have wings. However, they are able to crawl across walls and floors and spread out to other rooms. Based on an academic paper in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. They’re attracted by several things, including carbon dioxide as well as your body’s warmth and your own unique human hormones.

If they spot any of these indicators of the host, they’ll make the way to you. If they’re in a space that’s empty, They’ll be attracted by any animal in the house, even yours.

Perhaps most importantly, they reproduce through breeding.

Final thought

Now, you get details about how long can bed bugs live in an empty house.

Bed bugs are unsettling and unpleasant being around. But, they can last for one year in the absence of a home! The simple act of leaving your house for a time isn’t the most effective option.

Bed bugs are tough; they can withstand cold or hot, scatter in the sunlight and withstand a variety of pesticides. This makes it possible to let bed bugs stay around your empty room for a considerable period of time.

You can eliminate bed bugs with the use of heat treatments or tea tree oil and diatomaceous earth. The best solution is to hire an exterminator. Follow these guidelines to keep your home clean and clean Don’t let bed bugs attack

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