How to lower crib mattress? Step by step simple process

Is your kid growing, but you’re unsure if it’s time to lower their crib? Do you know how big the problem is if the crib mattress is higher?

When the baby grows and learns to stand, you should consider the baby’s crib mattress. Choosing a toddler bed for your infant is one of the essential decisions you’ll make as a new parent. During your baby’s first year of life, numerous changes occur, including their sleeping habits.

While it is a bit of a bother, changing the setting to make it the appropriate height for your child isn’t too tricky. You can ensure your baby’s good night’s sleep by lowering your baby’s crib.

I heard about crib-related accidents, which are not good. So I don’t want that you face any problems. Lowered mattress can be safe for your baby. So you must know the lowest crib setting.

Let’s dive in.

Why Is Crib mattress height significant?

Babies and newborns less than five months old are secured when sleeping in a crib at the top of the line. This is due to the fact that babies these days are unable to stand or sit; therefore, they’re not a danger to the baby’s life. When your baby can stand and hang on to the crib, it’s time to lower the crib.

The crib’s height is essential because it is a safety hazard. 83.2 percent of baby injuries result from being thrown from their cribs. When your baby is getting to the point where they begin to be interested and seek out new experiences, you may want to consider changing the mattress height.

What Are The Different Setting Levels for a baby crib?

All cribs aren’t precisely the same. Some cribs come with more significant and lower settings levels than other kinds of cribs. Various setting levels allow you to alter the level of your baby’s crib in increments. This will ensure that you do not lower the crib too much. Are you able to see the holes on the crib below that indicate the level of setting?

All cribs must be adjustable to allow you to alter the height quickly. The higher levels are suitable for babies aged between four and a half months old. The higher level of the crib is perfect for parents who do not wish to bend down too much to get their kids up. There is also a medium height and the lowest setting for your crib.

When Should My baby Crib mattress be lowered?

The time when you should lower the crib’s height will depend on the baby’s growth and development. As your baby reaches new milestones in their physical development, then you’ll have to reduce the crib’s height in line with.

Crib’s highest setting

The most affluent crib setting is suitable for babies who aren’t mobile. It’s usually the first setting you’ll have to use as you begin to introduce your baby to the crib. It’s the most convenient crib height for your baby to sleep in! The crib with the highest height is ideal for infants younger than five months.

Middle Setting

The time when you should lower the crib to the middle setting is dependent on your baby’s growth development. The baby will begin to sit on their own between 5-8 months of age, and then it’s time to make new adjustments to the height of your crib.

If your baby has not reached the milestone of middle sitting up, ensure that you lower the bed to the lowest setting. If the mattress’s height within the crib mattress has been set too high, and your baby can sit by themselves, they could run an increased risk of falling.

You can lower your crib again once your baby is sitting, which is from 5 to 8 months.

Lowest mattress Setting

Before your infant can climb up and stand by themselves, bring the mattress down to the lowest point. The typical baby starts standing between 8 to 10 months.

Another reason to be cautious about falling out of the crib is to climb. When your baby begins to show enthusiasm for climbing, then it’s appropriate to prevent your baby from getting off the crib or moving them from a walled crib to the toddler bed.

You might have been told that the AAP doesn’t recommend the use of bumper pads in cribs due to the possibility of suffocation. Another danger with bumpers is that children could be able to use them to climb over the railing of their crib.

The floor mattress

As your child’s height increases and increases, be sure to observe how far their heads extend beyond to the edge of the rail. When the sides on the crib measure not more than 3/4ths of the height your child is standing up, then it’s time to move the crib down to the floor or move to the toddler bed.

How to Lower a Crib Mattress in 5 Easy Steps

It can be challenging to alter its settings and get its size perfect for your baby; however, don’t fret because we will assist you.

It is unnecessary to wait too long, and this is the procedure to lower your crib mattress.

Step 1. Choosing the appropriate height

Finding the ideal size for your baby depends on a variety of factors.

In the first place, examine your crib.

Take a look at the direction it faces and see what settings it has.

In general, there will be approximately four settings.

Find out the age of your child.

Check if they are able to stand on their own or not.

Then, compare it to the height of the crib.

Most often, babies can get higher in height if it is active.

In this case, it is necessary to lower the crib mattress lower to prevent your baby from standing in the way that causes them to fall out.

If you’re not sure about the setting, you may want to check it online.

Additionally, many books for babies can provide you with ideas about where to place the crib of your baby’s age.

Step 2. Take out the sheets

To simplify the process, take the sheet off first before you lower the mattress.

In this way, you won’t need to worry about these issues anymore.

If your mattress has a cover, it’s recommended to take it off.

Step 3. Reduce the height of the crib mattress

To lower the mattress, it is necessary to remove all screws from the back. Be sure that you’re anchoring them.

After that, you can begin to attach screws to the crib.

After you’ve finished with your foot, you are able to move to the head.

Similar to how you put it with your feet, take the screws off and then push the mattress back down.

Check your head remains in alignment with the foot that you previously set. Then, you can put the screws back.

Step 4. Trying out the crib mattress

Once you’ve changed your crib mattress set, the most crucial step to take is to check it out.

It is suggested to find something the same weight as your child’s or heavier and test to put it in the crib.

This way, it will allow you to determine whether the setting is adequate or not.

Also, if screws are securely screwed.

It is often regarded as a waste of time. However, it’s better to be safer rather than regret it. Your baby isn’t at risk of injury by falling or sliding.

Step 5. Crib Mattress inspection

Once you’re sure your baby’s crib is safe, you can now put the mattress’s covers back on.

Once you have finished, you can return the crib sheet removed before taking down the crib.

And you’re done!

How to Change a Baby’s Crib to a Lowered Crib

If you’ve become accustomed to placing your infant in the crib with the highest position, the first time you lay them down on a lower mattress could throw you for an unexpected loop.

I usually recommend placing your baby down in their crib when they’re awake because it aids them in learning to soothe themselves and establish positive sleep patterns.

But, I’m sure there will come a time that you’ll need to lay down a baby who is entirely asleep. And the goal is to keep them sleeping throughout the process!

Here are some suggestions to set your baby down in a crib that is lower to ensure an easy transition, regardless of whether they’re asleep or awake:

  • Keep your baby’s legs and arms closer to the body as you can in order to prevent an alarming reaction.
  • Make sure that your baby is predominantly in a supine (horizontal) horizontal position.
  • As soon as your waist is near the railing, pull your arms and the baby away from you prior to making a bend at the hips to bring them towards the mattress.
  • Let your baby’s feet begin that touches the mattress.
  • Keep lowering your baby gently until the final piece of their body that will be able to reach their mattress head cradled in the.

If you’re as short as I am, it can be challenging to move your baby into to and out of your crib mattress, even after you’ve changed the height. I think I’ve even utilized a stool to provide me with an extra boost!

Remember that a brief discomfort is worth the baby’s security. I hope this article has provided you with an easy way to follow in determining the best time to lower the crib of your baby!

Final thought:

I hope you understand the importance of a baby’s crib mattress. The lower your baby’s crib, the safer it is. And you always think about the baby’s safety.

If you follow the crib’s instruction manual, you can also reduce suffocation risk. New parents have to keep in mind the baby’s sleeping safety.

As your baby grows, it is necessary to lower the crib mattress. Rest confident that your baby will be safer in its newly modified crib if you follow the outlined instructions.

Not only that, but your kid will be able to have a good night’s sleep, allowing you to enjoy a good night’s sleep as well.

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