How to make a horse blanket

How to make a horse blanket? Apply the steps right way

I know if you have a horse, it’s mandatory to have a blanket. It helps to remain warm in cold weather conditions. If you know to make a horse blanket, it will be easier for the horse to keep warm.

A rug or horse blanket is a blanket or coat that is designed to keep horses or other animals safe against the weather.

Although a horse’s coat is usually designed to keep them warm in colder months, a horse requires blankets when it’s transported from a warm area to an extremely cold environment or you’d like to keep your winter coat shorter.

The good news is that making the horse blanket is simple, as long as you are able to fit the blanket to your horse, and you use the correct material to create it.

Here I will tell you 3 parts so that you can make a horse blanket with sequence. In the wintertime, it’s a great choice for horses.

What are the things you’ll need to make horse blanket patterns?

The cost of a new professionally-made horse blanket that ranges between $60 and $140, those with a durable sewing machine is now able to sew a cover for their horse at home.

Yes, you can. With a few pieces of pattern materials, a willing horse, and some effort, you could design an individual blanket that’s perfect for your horse.

Start by visiting the thrift store. Bedsheets that are used are the ideal fabric for horse blankets–they’re inexpensive (around five dollars or so) and simple to obtain and wider than the other fabrics you’ll find in the fabric stores. 

The dimensions of the horse and the size of your horse, a queen-sized top sheet, i.e. not one with elastic on the corners, is adequate in size. You should choose a fabric that’s in good condition and not brittle with wear and tear. The pattern you choose to use should last for a long time.

Start with the easiest method first

 If you have an existing horse blanket and are looking for an outline to create a new (or replacement) blanket lay the sheet on a flat surface. Then place the old blanket on top of it, and trace the edges of the previous cover. If you don’t own an existing horse cover, check the possibility of borrowing the one of a friend. If you do, take it out on your horse to ensure it’s appropriate, then trace the other one.

In either case, you should add 1 inch around the seam allowance you traced and cut out. Now you have your pattern.

Take a measurement of your horse’s measurements. If you aren’t able to access blankets or your horse’s difficult to accommodate then you’ll need to determine his measurements from the withers all the way to just over the croup. This determines the size of the blanket. Make sure to add 1 to each side to allow to make seam allowances.

Then, measure your horse from the back to the knee. This is the length of the blanket. Remember to include 1 inch on each side to give seam allowance.

Also, take measurements of the chest of your horse across the shoulder. Instead of making being a straight rectangle, you’ll be creating a rectangle with an additional piece at one end to protect the chest. Check out a friend’s horse blanket for an illustration of this. You’ll need to add a couple of inches in order to cover each other using fasteners to ensure that the cover is completely covered by the animal’s chest.

Draw your pattern. Place it on the flat, flat surface and draw or mark your horse’s measurements onto the sheet. Because it’s a pattern and rather than the actual blanket it doesn’t matter which method you position the measurements, as long as they’re able to be positioned onto the sheet in some way. Cut around the drawing and you will have your blanket pattern.

3 portions to make a horse blanket

Portion 1: Fabric Measurement and Cutting

Fabric Measurement and Cutting

1. Estimate the horse’s length

The tape measure should be placed on the chest of your horse and tied to the back of the horse. It will be over the biggest bulge of the shoulder. The measurement should be taken to the bottom of the tailor the point where the horse’s back and tail meet. Note the measurements on the paper.

  • If the tape measure you have isn’t sufficient, you could take a yarn piece from the chest towards the tail, and then measure the yarn.
  • Horses’ physique can range between 64 in (1.6 millimeters) or 90 in (2.3 meters).

2. Measure from the top of the horse’s back to the top of his elbows

The tape measure should be placed between the elbows of the horse, just under the shoulders, and up over the back to where it is. Divide this measurement in two, so that the blanket is draped across on both sides. Note the measurement down. This will tell you how large your blanket must be.

3. Purchase the blanket’s fabric

Go to a fabric store or craft store to choose one that will keep your horse warm and is into your financial budget. If you plan to keep your horse inside wool, cotton, or nylon can be used. If you’re keeping your horse outdoors, you’ll need to find a water-resistant and waterproof material like Gore-Tex. Find enough fabric so that you can construct an appropriate blanket within the measurements you gathered.

  • Your blanket’s goals will determine the fabric you select.
  • You can also purchase these fabrics online.
  • Buy additional fabric in the event that you fail and have to start again.
  • Polartec, eVent, Pertex, and Gore-Tex all make waterproof/breathable textiles.
  • If you do not use a waterproof fabric and you keep your horse out the blanket will be damp from snow or rain and cause the horse to become colder. It can cause sores or rubs if it comes into contact with horses.
  • Nylon and cotton will be the most affordable fabrics, whereas waterproof and breathable fabrics are more expensive.

Portion 2: Blanket Sewing and Fitting

Blanket Sewing and Fitting

1. Cut the fabric according to the desired size

Cut with scissors a rectangular square according to that is sized to your specifications. If you purchased additional fabric, keep your fabric aside to avoid a situation where of an error.

2. Fold the cloth in half and cut a shallow semicircle in the top left corner

The semi-circular cut creates an opening in your blanket, which the neck of your horse can pass through. The cut should be thin since you will be able to alter the depth of the neck hole when you have the blanket positioned over the horse.

3. Examine the cloth against your horse to determine whether it fits

Attach the front and back of the blanket so that it covers the chest of the horse. Examine if the opening you cut to accommodate the neck was big enough. 

The blanket should sit comfortably over the shoulders of the horse. If the fabric is clumping around the neck of the horse and you’re not sure how to fix it, trim the neck hole more. Adjust and reposition the blanket to the horse until it is snugly positioned around the neck of the horse.

  • If the blanket hangs down over their shoulders or wrinkles the neck, then you’ve created a hole too big. In this instance, you’ll need to cut a new an entirely new piece of fabric.
  • Check that the blanket doesn’t hinder the shoulders of your horse. The blanket should be able to fit comfortably around the shoulders, and should not restrict the horse’s mobility.

4. Make a line beneath the neck hole

With the blanket’s front in place with a marker, draw a line along the neck’s bottom hole. This will indicate which straps to use to secure the blanket on the front. Be sure your neck opening does not fall or slide from the neck of your horse.

5. Attach Velcro strips to the blanket’s front

Cut three 2 inches (5.1 centimeters) Velcro strips. These Velcro strips will join the blanket for your horse to your horse’s body by securing the blanket on one side. Take the hook end from the Velcro and secure it to the right edge of your blanket. The strips should be placed two inches (5.1 cm) apart, one on top of one of them. Use the end of the loop of Velcro and attach it to the opposite side in a way that they run in a straight line to each other.

6. Determine the length of a strap that will go beneath the horse’s belly

Make use of a girth that is well-fitting as a reference and add 5-10 inches (12.7-25.4 centimeters) to make a proper size belly strap. Once secured, this belly blanket strap can be placed over the top of the chest area where the girth is normally. This will prevent the blanket from falling off the side of your horse.

  • If you want it, you could measure and then create a loop on the bottom of the blanket to allow the tail to travel through. It’s up to you.

7. sew the velcro on the blanket’s front

Connect the strips of velcro onto the fabric with the cross-stitch. To cross stitch, begin by threading the needle and making a knot on the other end. Then, thread into the velcro through one of the corners. Then, make a diagonal line across the width of the strip. Take the needle away from the corner to the left. Then create a second diagonal line using the thread, so that the thread is forming an X. Continue this process down all the Velcro strips until they’re fixed with the blanket.

  • Attach your belly straps and tail straps into place and also.
  • Make use of a sewing machine that is mechanical in order to cut back on time.

8. Wrap the blanket around the horse and walk it about

Spread the blanket over the horse once more and then close the velcro strips you glued at the top. Take note of the horse’s movements. If you find that it’s struggling to walk or run you may need to cut the blanket back again.

Portion 3: Choosing the Right Time to Use a Horse Blanket

Choosing the Right Time to Use a Horse Blanket

1. You should use a blanket if temperatures drop below 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 in Celsius)

If you have your horse outdoors and in the cold, it’s crucial to protect it with blankets in cold conditions. The blanket can provide the extra warmth your horse needs to be at ease. In extreme situations, where temperatures drop below 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 deg C) be sure your blanket is made from heavier materials like Gore-Tex or even wool.

  • Make sure you have an enclosure with three sides for your horse’s shelter during bad weather.

2. If your horse is going from a warm to a cold climate, use one

Horses who move to a colder climate are likely to require a blanket in their very first winter. This is particularly the case for horses being that are transported after the autumn equinox since their winter coats will not be able to develop enough for winter.

  • A horse’s coat is receptive to the temperature. If the horse is accustomed to an environment that is warmer it won’t require to develop an overcoat of winter.

3. To make the horse’s winter coat shorter, wrap it in a blanket

In winter horses will develop more of a coat in order to keep warm in the colder months. Although a blanket will not stop growing the coat it can limit the amount it grows and helps keep the horse’s coat padded down. If you own an exhibit horse, it may be beneficial to keep the hair of your horse short by regular body clippings.

  • If you are looking to lessen the coat of your horse, you must apply the blanket as soon as the temperature drops below 50 degrees (10 degrees Celsius) or less.
  • Remove the blanket from the horse in order that it can be groomed frequently. Once you’ve removed it, inspect for areas of chafing, or any excess sweat.
  • Do not put a blanket over your horse during heat, or you could cause it to overheat.

Some additional Guidelines for Sizing a Horse Blanket

  • When you visit the tack store, ask the shop owner about their return policy in case you return home and find that the blanket does not meet the needs of your horse.
  • By trying to make use of the blanket, be sure that it’s clean. You can, put a thin cover on the horse prior to placing the blanket in. If you must change it, wash off any hairs or dirt before returning it.
  • If your horse isn’t able to be cooperating during the fitting process, you might consider changing the blanket to a size that you can easily wear. The tack store you are shopping at may be able to help you find an individual who is able to accomplish this. Be aware that a blanket that is too large or too small can make it dangerous or uncomfortable for the horse.


Can you make horse blankets by using those processes? I have made some winter blankets for horses. That’s not a difficult task. Blankets give warmness to the horse’s chest. You can make a horse blanket depending on your settings.

If horses already depend on blankets throughout their everyday life, they’ll require some kind of protection, but an equine stable sheet or a lightweight blanket might be enough for enclosed vehicles.

No matter if you’re just starting out or have plenty of experience having horses Don’t let the search for the perfect blanket frighten you. 

This article serves as a reference to study, research, and learn all you must learn about finding the best animal blanket that is suitable for the horse you are.

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