how to unclog a vacuum hose

How to unclog a vacuum hose? 2 simplest tips and methods

Have you had a clogged vacuum hose? No worries! Here’s how to unclog a vacuum hose.

Finding out how to clear the vacuum hose shouldn’t be too difficult. Doing this routine maintenance can restore any suction loss you’ve suffered. Even your best vacuum cleaner is prone to get blocked, So being aware of how to accomplish this easy task is well worthwhile.

If you don’t keep your cleaner clean or maintained, often, it can begin to fail. There are issues with the machine overheating, blowing away dust, or losing suction. If you continue to experience these issues, you’ll need to put more effort into using your vacuum.

In this post, we’ll show you several ways how to unclog a vacuum hose and give tips for preventing the clogging of a vacuum hose from the beginning.

2 easiest methods to unclog a vacuum hose

Method 1: Cleaning and Removing the Hose

Disconnect your vacuum’s hose

The vacuum has an external hose that runs to the roller in the base to either the bag or tank. Remove one end from the base of the vacuum. Then, take the other end off of the body of the vacuum. 

If the vacuum hose is screwed off, loosen it before taking it off of the machine. The hose should be placed onto a smooth surface when you have removed it.

  • Unplug the vacuum before you begin performing any maintenance on it in order to reduce the chance of getting shocked.
  • Follow the instructions of the company that makes your vacuum for how to take off the hose.
Force any major clogs out of the hose with a broomstick

Pick the broomstick’s end and feed it into the hose. Be sure to do it in a safe manner to avoid damaging or puncturing the hose. If you have a significant obstruction in your hose, the broomstick will push it out from the opposite end.

  • By appearing the tube transparent, you can hold it to a light source so that you’re able to see it and pinpoint the position of the obstruction. If not, look through the hose’s edge. It could be located in the lower hose that is connected to the vacuum if you don’t find an obstruction.
Clean out any buildup inside the hose using baking soda and vinegar

Put your hose in the sink, and then pour 1/2 cup (115 grams) of baking soda in it. Shake the hose to ensure that baking soda is coated on the inside. 

Then carefully add 11 / 2 1 c (120 milliliters) of vinegar white into the hose. Let baking soda, vinegar, and baking soda bubble up inside within the pipe for a couple of minutes to break up any buildup within.

  • You can also make use of powdered laundry detergent and hot water if you have vinegar and baking soda.
Run the hose under warm water to clean it

Switch on your sink to the highest temperature of the water that can be handled. You can run this water down the hose in order to clean the baking soda and vinegar that remain inside the hose. Be sure to place the water on both sides of the hose until it is completely clean.

  • Try to soak the hose in a sink filled with water if you are unable to connect your sink to the hose.
Before reattaching the hose, let it dry fully.

Set the hose on the edge of the sink or in a place in which both ends face towards the floor. Allow the hose to dry for at least one hour. After the hose has completely dry, place the hose onto the machine.

  • Make sure to disconnect the vacuum hose when it’s still damp to ensure you don’t hurt yourself.

Method 2: Prevent clogging from the lower hose

1. Disconnect the vacuum’s main hose

The main hose runs to the bottom of the roller as it connects to its main part in the vacuum. Unscrew or pull off the port hose so that you can get access to the lower part of the hose.

  • Go through the instruction manual for the manufacturer for instructions on how to disconnect the vacuum’s hose.
2. Remove the vacuum body’s lowest hose.

The lower hose is connected to the bottom of the vacuum and is generally the location in which the main hose is plugged into the vacuum. Locate the screw that holds the lower hose using the aid of a screwdriver. Put the screw away in a spot in which you will not lose it.

  • Certain lower hoses could attach to the vacuum rather than be screwed into. If this is the case, take the lower hose from the clip.
3. Using needle-nose pliers, remove the obstruction

Open the needle-nose pliers, and then feed it through the upper hose’s end. When you feel the blockage, squeeze the obstruction with your pliers to gain the blockage in a secure position. Remove the blockage from the pipe and dispose of it.

  • You ought to be able to see the blockage in the lower hose when you inspect it. If you don’t notice any blockage, the lower hose might not be blocked, and you might be having a problem with the roller.
  • Try using another vacuum cleaner to get the obstruction out.
4. Reconnect your vacuum’s hoses

The lower hose should be held against your vacuum’s body, then insert the screw back into the hole. Utilize your screwdriver to attach the hose, making sure it isn’t moving anymore. 

Connect the main hose to ensure it remains in the same place. Switch on the vacuum and examine the suction to determine whether it is working again.

Vacuum Cleaners with No Clogs

A vacuum that is blocked can cause many issues in your vacuum. It can be a hassle to get your home clean with vacuums that aren’t suctioning correctly. Additionally, it could result in bad odors or problems with overheating.

Now you are aware that it is easy to get rid of any blockages in your vacuum’s hose before it becomes a bigger issue as with all appliances that require regular maintenance along with cleaning will make sure that your vacuum cleaner is clean and will continue to function efficiently.

Get rid of any large obstructions or clumps using the help of a wire hanger and rinse the hose with cold water from the sink. It is also possible to clean your vacuum with baking soda and vinegar. Avoid hot water, strong detergents as well as dish soap.

Follow our step-by-step guide to unclog a vacuum hose. By following these tips for cleaning, you’ll be able to clear any obstructions from your hose. This will increase the effectiveness and life span of your vacuum!

Are you having issues regarding how to unclog a vacuum hose? We’d appreciate hearing from you via a comment below in the comment section!! Please share this post with friends and family If you enjoyed this article.

4 Vacuum Hose Unclogging Techniques and Tools

There are now four ways to clear the actual vacuum hose. You are able to select the one most appropriate for you. You can also go through them all until you are cleared!

Technique 1: Using a Broomstick

You can make use of a broomstick or any other object you might have around your home. Just insert it into the hose and then push it out with a little pressure, but take care when you do this. Don’t break the hose while you go!

These types of items are ideal for clearing large hair clogs and other debris.

Technique 2: Bent wire Technique

A bent wire can be useful when you are trying to clear a blockage. It is essential to carefully place it in the hose, and then twist it until it catches the clog within the wire. 

After you’ve made sure it’s tangled, then you need to remove it while you continue twisting it. In this way, you’ll be able to eliminate all dust and dirt as you are able to.

However, be aware that wires are extremely risky, as they could cause damage to delicate parts in your vacuum.

Technique 3: Shop Vacuum Technique

A different vacuum that draws the blockage out is a good way to be the solution!

It is all you have to do is apply suction to the vacuum and position it in the vicinity of the part that is blocked, and then wait for it to emerge. You must, however, make sure that the vacuum you choose to use has a more powerful suction capacity.

Technique 4: Water Technique

If none of the other options have been successful, I recommend that you use water to clear the blockage out. There are two options to consider:

– Remove the hose that is blocked and then fill it up with hot water. In order to keep the water within, keep it in an “u” shape position. Shake it, and then rinse it each time until the clog is soaked enough to break it down and allow it to fall out.

A different water method is to use the hose and attach it with the garden hose and let a powerful stream of water flow through the vacuum hose. By letting this pressure, the blockage should be cleared out in no time.

What causes a vacuum hose to become clogged?

A vacuum hose is likely to get blocked if you permit one of the following to occur:

– Remove the damaged filters from the vacuum, and continue to use the vacuum without replacing it with an entirely new filter.

The vacuum is able to collect the most hair and debris along with huge dust and dirtballs.

– Vacuuming wet surfaces.

A lack of maintenance on the vacuum hose and itself.

Symptoms of a plugged vacuum hose

It’s very simple to identify a clog within your vacuum. The first thing you’ll notice immediately is the reduction in suction power that can lead to additional problems if you do not repair it immediately.

Other signs to look out for include:

Smoke or burning scent that comes out of the vacuum. The vacuum emits an unusually louder sound.

In the event of a lack of suction, the vacuum will begin leaving dust and dirt in its wake.

As I mentioned earlier, don’t sit around waiting to be able to spot all these indicators. Act immediately!


I hope these tips were helpful to your return to unclog a vacuum hose.

If your vacuum isn’t able to suction, it’s possible that there’s something stuck in the hose, which is preventing it from functioning. First, you suspect that you have a clog or blockage. Then take it off and scrub the main hose connected to the machine.

If the clog doesn’t appear there, it may be necessary to clear a blockage out of the lower part of your hose. After the clog has been removed, then your vacuum should operate to its maximum capacity!

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